GUAC v0.8.1 released

GUAC v0.8.1 is now available. This release contains a compatibility-breaking change to the database schemea. It also includes several bug fixes and enhancements.

v0.8.1 makes a change in the update dependency schema to require dependencies be specified on a version, not just a package name. This will break persistent installations of version 0.7.0 and earlier. To upgrade to version v0.8.1, run the migration script prior to upgrading GUAC.

GUAC now returns hasSBOM and hasSLSA identifiers at ingenstion time. This simplifies running subsequent queries or as a starting point for GUAC analysis.

This release also fixes bugs in some queries and CycloneDX SBOM parsing. For a full list of changes, see the GitHub release page.

Tags: releases

August 2024 Community Meeting

Join the GUAC community Thursday at 1PM Eastern (1700 UTC) for the August Community Meeting.

Topics include:

If you have your own topics to discuss or cool GUAC insights, join us and share with the community!

Zoom link and meeting notes are on the OpenSSF Calendar.

If you can’t make it, the recording will be posted to our YouTube channel.

Tags: community | meetings

Help GUAC's docs rock!

Calling all docs writers: we need you! Good documentation makes all of the difference when trying out a new piece of software. Supply chain security is important, so anything we can do to make GUAC easier to use helps us all.

What we’re looking for

We’ve made a start on GUAC’s documentation, but we’re not documentation experts. You are. We need your help to make the docs useful to people trying out GUAC or using it in production.

I opened some issues in the guac-docs repo to help get the process started. This is not an exhaustive list, of course. In fact, the issues that we haven’t identified are the most valuable area for your expertise.

We’d love to have you stick around the community long-term, but you don’t need to sign up for a long-term commitment. One-time fixes of any size are welcome. After all, incremental improvement is still improvement.

About our docs

GUAC’s documentation published to from the guacsec/guac-docs repo on GitHub. The docs themselves are written in Markdown and rendered with Jekyll and the Just the Docs theme. Contributions to the GUAC documentation is governed by the OpenSSF Code of Conduct.

If you see something on the main GUAC website, we’re happy to accept those reports and contributions, too. See the guacsec/guac-landing repo on GitHub.

Join the community!

If you see a place you want to contribute, join right in! If you have questions, the GUAC Community is happy to help. Join us in #guac on the OpenSSF Slack.

Tags: community | docs

Mixing license information into your GUAC

GUAC v0.8.0, which was released last week, includes the addition of a new data source for GUAC users: license data from ClearlyDefined. While GUAC previously supported reading license information from software bills of materials (SBOMs), adding support for ClearlyDefined represents a big step forward. ClearlyDefined provides a vetted and accurate representation of license information for a given release of software.

Software licenses aren’t strictly a security concern, but they’re a key fact about your dependencies. Full software supply chain observability includes knowing the licenses in your supply chain, which helps you ensure you’re following license terms and your organizational requirements.

How GUAC uses ClearlyDefined

GUAC maintainer Parth Patel decided to implement ClearlyDefined support as a certifier instead of a collector in order to ensure GUAC re-runs the query. GUAC certifiers run on a scheduled basis to capture up-to-date information that may have changed since the last run. License data is always incomplete because developers are always shipping new software releases, so this regular query ensures GUAC captures new license information. If you choose, you can also have GUAC query ClearlyDefined when you ingest a new SBOM, although this does slow down the ingestion process.

GUAC is a tool for giving the information you need to make decisions, not to make decisions for you. As a result, GUAC does not try to guess which response is accurate if the information in the SBOM and the information from ClearlyDefined conflict. Both result in the creation of a CertifyLegal node in the graph, so you can decide which is more trustworthy on a case-by-case basis.

Internally, GUAC uses package URLs (pURLs) to identify specific software package releases. However, ClearlyDefined uses a scheme they call “coordinates”. Part of implementing support in GUAC meant developing a library to convert pURLS to coordinates. Working with the ClearlyDefined community, Parth was able to develop a reference for mapping between the two systems. In a great example of cross-community collaboration, ClearlyDefined added comprehensive documentation for coordinates based on Parth’s work.

One note of caution: ClearlyDefined’s API does not currently support batched queries. As a result, processing large dependency graphs may take longer due to rate limiting. Issue #1168 is open to add batched queries.

About ClearlyDefined

Started at Microsoft, ClearlyDefined is now an incubating project within the Open Source Initiative (OSI). ClearlyDefined provides a centralized, curated source of information about software licenses. The community takes public contributions and evaluates them in an open manner, resulting in a trusted source of information. In addition, ClearlyDefined’s harvester services automatically search for license information when the ClearlyDefined service receives a request it can’t answer. This helps fill the gap in information when a software producer does not include license information in an SBOM.

How you can help

If you have a use case that’s well-served by this new feature, we’d love to hear about it. If you have a use case that isn’t well-served, we want to know that, too. Let us know in a GitHub issue, on Slack, or in one of our regular meetings. See the Community page for more information. We also welcome your contribution of new features to help expand GUAC’s capabilities.

The ClearlyDefined project is looking for contributions to code and license information. See their “Get involved” documentation for more information.

GUAC v0.8.0 released

GUAC v0.8.0 is now available. This release brings support for license information, node deletion, and many other improvements. You can now run vulnerability scans immediately on SBOM ingestion with the --add-vuln-on-ingest flag instead of waiting for the OSV certifier to run. To better represent the real world, the isDependency relationship now only exists on package versions instead of the package name. For a full list of changes, see the release page on GitHub.

License information support

GUAC v0.8.0 adds support for parsing license information provided in CycloneDX SBOMs. The new release also includes a new experimental ClearlyDefined certifier. GUAC will query the ClearlyDefined license data store to discover license information for packages, even when the SBOM does not include that information.

Although licenses don’t directly impact security, they are an important part of understanding your software supply chain. We’re excited to expand GUAC’s capabilities in this area.

Node deletion

GUAC v0.8.0 adds support for deleting the following evidence nodes: certifyVuln, hasSBOM, and hasSLSA. This is helpful when SBOMs were ingested by accident or as part of a short-term demo. Delete is supported in both the key value and the ENT backends. If there are other nodes that you have a use case for deleting, please file an issue to let us know.

Join the community

Thanks to the 10 contributors who made this release possible, including new contributor Collin Berman. We’d love to have your contribution. If you have uses cases GUAC should support, or want to contribute to our code or documentation, join us!

Tags: releases

GUAC mailing lists moving to OpenSSF

The GUAC mailing lists are moving from Google Groups to the OpenSSF list server. Join to continue receiving updates and participating in the conversation. This list is open for all community discussion of GUAC. The Google Groups list will enter read-only mode after the July 18 GUAC Community Meeting.

The GUAC maintainer list is also moving. Use to report security issues or other confidential concerns to the maintainers.

We look forward to chatting with you on the mailing list and in #GUAC on the OpenSSF Slack.

Tags: community

GUAC v0.7.0 released

The GUAC maintainers are happy to announce the release of GUAC v0.7.0. This release includes several pagination features in order to improve the performance of large result sets from queries. Also new in v0.7.0, the collector supports reading from a directory inside an Amazon S3 bucket, in addition to the previously supported single file and whole-bucket reads. We’ve improved the parsing of CycloneDX files to improve how transitive dependencies are represented. And building off of the persistent backend added in v0.6.0, the new release adds support for automatic schema migrations.

As always, we thank the community members who contributed to this release. We’d love to have you join the GUAC community. See the Contributor Guide for how to get started, and register for an upcoming program below.

Tags: releases

GUAC maintainer meetings now public

In the interests of a transparent open source community, the weekly GUAC Maintainer meetings are now public. Join us on Mondays at 11 AM Eastern. The meeting is open to interested community members, but is primarily for maintainer discussion. For general questions and discussion, join us in #guac on the OpenSSF Slack.

Tags: community | meetings

Upcoming OpenSSF and CNCF webinars

Join us for two upcoming webinars to learn more about GUAC.

Tags: events

Graph for Understanding Artifact Composition (GUAC) adds persistent storage in v0.6.0 release

The GUAC community maintainers, contributors and collaborators are thrilled to announce – GUAC is persistent! Following a year-long effort of significant collaboration and development, GUAC has standardized on and fully supports the popular open source database system, PostgreSQL, for its persistent backend storage.

Read the full post

Tags: releases