Help GUAC's docs rock!

Calling all docs writers: we need you! Good documentation makes all of the difference when trying out a new piece of software. Supply chain security is important, so anything we can do to make GUAC easier to use helps us all.

What we’re looking for

We’ve made a start on GUAC’s documentation, but we’re not documentation experts. You are. We need your help to make the docs useful to people trying out GUAC or using it in production.

I opened some issues in the guac-docs repo to help get the process started. This is not an exhaustive list, of course. In fact, the issues that we haven’t identified are the most valuable area for your expertise.

We’d love to have you stick around the community long-term, but you don’t need to sign up for a long-term commitment. One-time fixes of any size are welcome. After all, incremental improvement is still improvement.

About our docs

GUAC’s documentation published to from the guacsec/guac-docs repo on GitHub. The docs themselves are written in Markdown and rendered with Jekyll and the Just the Docs theme. Contributions to the GUAC documentation is governed by the OpenSSF Code of Conduct.

If you see something on the main GUAC website, we’re happy to accept those reports and contributions, too. See the guacsec/guac-landing repo on GitHub.

Join the community!

If you see a place you want to contribute, join right in! If you have questions, the GUAC Community is happy to help. Join us in #guac on the OpenSSF Slack.

Tags: community | docs