GUAC Update: January 2025
Ben Cotton
07 Feb 2025
Welcome to the GUAC Update, a monthly review of what has happened in the GUAC community and what’s coming up. If you have feedback, please let us know. To include something in next month’s update, leave a comment in the issue.
We had a handful of GUAC releases in January. The highlight is
Several members of the GUAC community spoke at FOSDEM in Brussels:
- Brandon Lum and Marco Deicas presented A retrospective on Google’s SBOM implementation
- Jeff Mendoza and Qing Tomlinson presented Discover Dependency License Information Using SBOMs and ClearlyDefined
- Michael Lieberman presented The Breadth and Depth of SBOMs
And we have some events coming up as well:
- Ben Cotton will attend DevOpsDays Chicago on March 18.
- KubeCon Europe (1-4 April in London)
- Michael Lieberman is presenting a keynote “Cutting Through The Fog: Clarifying CRA Compliance in Cloud Native” with Eddie Knight
- Jeff Mendoza is presenting a talk “Why Don’t We Have Both? Track Build- and Run-time Information for Security With Kubescape and GUAC” with Ben Hirschberg
- Michael Lieberman is presenting a talk “Bridging Supply Chain Policy with Git-less GitOps and GUAC” with Andrew Martin.
- Plus you can stop by the Kusari booth S482 for some GUAC stickers.
Coming up
Be sure to join us in the weekly Maintainer Meetings, monthly Community Meeting, or on Slack and office hours to participate in the conversation.
Tags: guac-update | community | events
GUAC's 2024 in review
Ben Cotton
31 Jan 2025
2024 was a big year for GUAC, from becoming an OpenSSF incubating project in March to mentions in three KubeCon NA keynotes in November. What happened in between?
The community is the lifeblood of any open source project, and GUAC is no different. 33 people attended at least one of the monthy community meetings. We also saw a 23% increase in members of the #GUAC channel on the OpenSSF Slack.
GUAC welcomed many new contributors in 2024. According to data, new contributors represented 62% of commit authors, 66% of issue authors, and 55% of issue authors. Several of those new contributors have advanced up the contributor ladder, along with contributors who were here before:
- Dejan Bosanac was granted Reviewer status for the Backend area.
- Marco Rizzi was granted Owner status for the Backend area.
- Robbie Cronin was granted Reviewer status for the CLI and Collectors areas.
- Nathan Naveen was granted Reviewer status for the CLI area.
- Ben Cotton was granted Owner status for the Website and Docs areas.
Not only did we grow the community in 2024, we also grew our community infrastructure and communication. The weekly maintainer meetings are now public, with recordings on YouTube and notes in the governance repo. The monthly community calls are now also posted to YouTube with notes in the governance repo.
In order to better share news with the broader community, we started publishing monthy GUAC update blog posts and now our first year-in-review post.
Development and releases
Development work was pretty steady for most of the year, with a big increase at the end of the year. This was due to new contributors as well as new interest driven by the KubeCon keynote mentions.
With all of the new interest, we saw a corresponding increase in issues opened. Fortuntely, we were able to still be faster at closing issues than in the earlier part of the year.
We had, by my count, 23 releases of GUAC in 2024, starting with GUAC v0.4.0 and ending with v0.12.3. Along the way, we added a bunch of new features:
- A key-value backend used for demos and testing
- Metrics publication via Prometheus (OpenTelemetry support was added in early 2025)
- Persistent storage via Ent and PostgreSQL
- A ClearlyDefined certifier to add license information
- An certifier for to add support period information
- A collector for OCI container registries
Of course, we’ve also done a significant number of performance improvements and bug fixes.
The GUAC Visualizer also had two releases. These added an information pane to see more data about the selected package. We also reduced the container image size significantly.
Forward to 2025
We start 2025 looking at final items for a 1.0 release. Discussions are underway for a new architecture that will allow GUAC to provide easier answers to the basic questions while still being powerful enough for deeper analysis. We hope to see you around the [community]/community/.
Tags: guac-update | community
GUAC v0.13.0 released
GUAC Maintainers
17 Jan 2025
GUAC v0.13.0 is now available.
This release adds supporting for optionally sending OpenTelemetry metrics.
When using the --enable-otel
command line switch, the following will publish to a user-specified OpenTelemetry server:
- HTTP GQL server in
- SQL library underneath the Ent/Postgres backend
- HTTP client for: OSV, ClearlyDefined, GitHub,
- GRPC client for
In addition, this release fixes two bugs related to missing flags in command line tools:
The v0.13.0 release page has full details of this release. If you’re interesting in joining our community or contributing, we’d love to have you be a part of the next release.
Tags: releases
January 2025 Community Meeting
Ben Cotton
15 Jan 2025
Join the GUAC community Thursday at 1PM Eastern (1800 UTC) for the January Community Meeting.
Topics include:
- What to do about 1.0? What should go in it? Should we jump directly to the refactor? We’ll have an update on the conversations about a new architecture for GUAC.
- A look at the pending DataDog certifier (PR #2366)
- Ideas for a 2024 year-in-review post
- Recognition of contributors who advanced up the contributor ladder
- Major releases since the last meeting
Zoom link and meeting notes are on the OpenSSF Calendar.
If you can’t make it, the recording will be posted to our YouTube channel.
GUAC Update: December 2024
Ben Cotton
10 Jan 2025
Welcome to the GUAC Update, a monthly review of what has happened in the GUAC community and what’s coming up. If you’re a regular reader, you may have noticed a change in the naming convention: GUAC Update posts are now (and retroactively) titled based on the month they’re about, not the month they publish. We had some feedback that the old pattern was confusing, so this will hopefully make it more clear. If you have other feedback, please let us know. To include something in next month’s update, leave a comment in the issue.
Contributor ladder climbs
The GUAC Maintainers approved several advancements up the contributor ladder in recognition of the hard work done by our community members:
- Robbie Cronin was granted Reviewer status for the CLI and Collectors areas.
- Nathan Naveen was granted Reviewer status for the CLI area.
- Ben Cotton was granted Owner status for the Docs area.
Thanks to these contributors and everyone else who participate in the GUAC community.
We closed the year strong in GUAC, with several releases. The highlight is GUAC v0.12.0, which added a certifier that records end-of-life information from and a collector for OCI container registries. In addition, the GUAC Visualizer has a much smaller container image and also displays the version of GUAC it is connected to.
Several members of the GUAC community will be speaking at FOSDEM in Brussels:
- Brandon Lum and Marco Deicas will present A retrospective on Google’s SBOM implementation
- Jeff Mendoza and Qing Tomlinson will present Discover Dependency License Information Using SBOMs and ClearlyDefined
- Michael Lieberman will present The Breadth and Depth of SBOMs
Coming up
Be sure to join us in the weekly Maintainer Meetings, monthly Community Meeting, or on Slack and office hours to participate in the conversation.
Tags: guac-update | community | events
GUAC v0.12.0 released
GUAC Maintainers
12 Dec 2024
GUAC v0.12.0 is now available. Version 0.12.0 brings new a certifier for, an OCI container registries, along with improvements to the OSV certifier. Note that we also released version 0.12.1 to address a GitHub workflow issue with publishing the SBOM.
End-of-Life certifier
A new certifier, contributed by Robbie Cronin, collects end-of-life information from the service. provides a central source information for information about when applications, libraries, and distributions reach the end of their support period. Unsupported versions don’t receive vulnerability fixes, so keeping your dependencies up-to-date is an important part of securing your software supply chain. — both the web tooling and the data — are open source. You can contribute if you have additional information to add.
OCI collector
GUAC now supports collecting artifacts from a user-specified container registry.
Using the guacone collect registry <RegistryURI>
command, you can pull SBOMs and attestations into GUAC registries compatible with the Open Container Initiative Distribution Specification.
This was also primarily contributed by Robbie Cronin.
Other improvements
Lukas Hoehl contributed an enhancement to the OSV certifier.
When using the --add-vuln-metadata
flag, GUAC adds vulnerability severity to a VulnerabilityMetadata
node, allowing for improved vulnerability assessment and analysis within GUAC.
Information from CertifyLegal
nodes is now included in the output of guacone query known package
With the --add-depsdev-on-ingest
, you can now query when ingesting an SBOM.
In addition, this release contains other bug fixes and dependency updates. The v0.12.0 release page has full details of this release. If you’re interesting in joining our community or contributing, we’d love to have you be a part of the next release.
Tags: releases
GUAC Update: November 2024
Ben Cotton
06 Dec 2024
Welcome to the GUAC Update, a monthly review of what has happened in the GUAC community and what’s coming up. If you have feedback, please let us know. To include something in next month’s update, leave a comment in the issue.
New contributors
Thanks to the following people for making their first contributions in November (the people listed here may have contributed to other parts of the project previously):
With KubeCon and the US Thanksgiving holiday, activity slowed in November. We still had a release for GUAC, though. This release fixed a batch query where a nil query would return all values in the DB.
Full details for each release are below:
Note: We do not typically publish blog posts for bugfix releases.
If you couldn’t make it to KubeCon in Salt Lake City, you can watch the recordings of Parth Patel and Mihai Maruseac presenting “Papers, Please - Scrutinizing AI model creation” at Cloud Native Rejekts.
GUAC also received a shout out in three different keynote talks:
- Open Source Security is Not a Spectator Sport — Justin Cappos and Santiago Torres Arias
- A Developer’s Guide to Securing Your Software Supply Chain — Toddy Mladenov
- Cloud Native’s Next Decade: Stable, Secure, and…Ready for Disruption? — Nikhita Raghunath
You may have also seen NetGoalie’s article GUAC for Security Leaders: Strengthening Software Transparency and Supply Chain Security or Casey Fahey’s post on GUAC’s open source journey.
Coming up
Be sure to join us in the weekly Maintainer Meetings, monthly Community Meeting, or on Slack to participate in the conversation.
Tags: guac-update | community | events | releases
guac-visualizer 0.4.10 released
GUAC Maintainers
04 Dec 2024
Version 0.4.10 of the experimental GUAC Visualizer is now available. The GUAC Visualizer is an experimental utility that can be used to interact with GUAC services. It acts as a way to visualize the software supply chain graph and explore the supply chain.
The two main changes in version 0.4.10 were both contributed by Martin W. Kirst. First, the Visualizer now displays the version of GUAC in use, as well as the Visualizer version. Additionally, the container image is reduced from 1.69 GB to 1.07 GB.
GUAC Visualizer also contains updates to the GraphQL schema for the latest GUAC updates. In addition, there are updates to the documentation and security improvements to the GitHub workflows. See the GitHub release page for a full list of changes. It includes first-time contributions to the GUAC Visualizer from:
We’d love your help with GUAC Visualizer. See the “help wanted” or “good first issue” tags in GitHub for suggestions.
You may notice that the previous GUAC Visualizer release was 0.4.5. The “missing” release numbers are due to re-runs of the release workflow to diagnose and fix issues introduced by the security improvements.
Tags: releases | guac-visualizer
November 2024 Community Meeting
Ben Cotton
20 Nov 2024
Join the GUAC community Thursday at 1PM Eastern (1800 UTC) for the November Community Meeting.
Topics include:
- Recap of KubeCon
- Ingesting trivy SBOMReports into GUAC
- A look at work-in-progress contributions for additional vulnerability metadata and a registry collector
- Update on a GUAC refactor plan
If you have your own topics to discuss or cool GUAC insights, join us and share with the community!
Zoom link and meeting notes are on the OpenSSF Calendar.
If you can’t make it, the recording will be posted to our YouTube channel.
GUAC Update: October 2024
Ben Cotton
01 Nov 2024
Welcome to the GUAC Update, a monthly review of what has happened in the GUAC community and what’s coming up. If you have feedback, please let us know. To include something in next month’s update, leave a comment in the issue.
New contributors
Thanks to the following people for making their first contributions in October (the people listed here may have contributed to other parts of the project previously):
- Abhiraj Adhikary: guac-docs#169
- Robbie Cronin: several contributions to GUAC and guac-docs
- Martin W. Kirst: guac#2207
- Rishikeshav Ravichandran: guac-docs#157
We had several releases for GUAC in October. These releases include performance improvements in certifiers, as well as the addition of batch queries for certain nodes. Version 0.8.9 introduced a compatibility-breaking change to the CLI as well.
Full details for each release are below:
- GUAC v0.8.9
- GUAC v0.9.0 (blog post)
- GUAC v0.9.1
- GUAC v0.10.0 (blog post)
- GUAC v0.10.1
- GUAC v0.10.2
- GUAC v0.11.0 (blog post)
- GUAC v0.11.0
Note: We do not typically publish blog posts for bugfix releases.
If you couldn’t make it to SOSS Fusion in Atlanta, you can watch the recordings:
- GUAC maintainer Mihai Maruseac presented “End-to-End Secure ML Development”
- GUAC maintainer Jeff Mendoza presented “Scorecard at Scale: Old and New Possibilities for Lifting Security on All Repositories
And be sure to check out these upcoming events:
- Cloud Native Rejekts in Salt Lake City, UT on November 11, 2024:
- GUAC maintainer Parth Patel will present “Papers, Please - Scrutinizing AI model creation”
- KubeCon & CloudNativeCon in Salt Lake City, UT on November 12–15, 2024:
- Open Source Security on Tap party hosted by Kusari, ActiveState, and ControlPlane
- Join several GUAC maintainers and contributors at the Kusari booth (Q37)
Coming up
Be sure to join us in the weekly Maintainer Meetings, monthly Community Meeting, or on Slack and office hours, to participate in the conversation.
Tags: guac-update | community | events | releases